Constitutional Mandate
Banco de México has forged its role as a central bank on the basis of three historic documents which specify its functions and scope, and define its character: Mexico's 1917 Constitution, Banco de México's 1925 founding law, and the Banco de México by-laws.

Banco de México S.A.
The law that founded Banco de México was proclaimed on August 25, 1925. The law stipulated that the Bank's purposes were to issue currency and regulate monetary circulation as well as foreign exchange and interest rates; act as Treasurer to the Federal Government; and perform operations as a commercial bank. Banco de México began operations on September 1 the same year.

Banknote Factory
Banco de México's Banknote Factory began operations on December 2, 1969. Its location, construction, security measures, equipment and the training of its staff were meticulously planned. The first banknote printed in Mexico was a 10-peso note, dated September 16 and put into circulation on December 15, 1969.

Central Bank Autonomy
The 1993 reform of Article 28 of the Mexican Constitution gave Banco de México full autonomy and assigned it the priority objective of controlling inflation.

Jalisco Banknote Factory
The Jalisco Banknote Factory was inaugurated on November 7. The factory, endowed with state-of-the-art technology, complements production at the Mexico City Banknote Factory. The Bank thus seeks to meet demand for banknotes in the long term at the national level, and to diversify its production and logistics processes.

Banco de México Museum
Banco de México opens the doors of its main building to strengthen its ties with society and to makes its numismatic and cultural patrimony accessible to the public.